The Knee Chest Specific Chiropractic technique originated from the foundational principles and methodologies established at the prestigious BJ Palmer Research Clinic.
This pioneering million-dollar facility, with its assembly of chiropractors, medical professionals, and research experts, was unparalleled in its pursuit. Its primary objective was to identify the most effective Chiropractic techniques for precisely locating and adjusting vertebral subluxations, employing cutting-edge procedures guided by scientific protocols.
Knee Chest Specific Chiropractic technique provides chiropractors with comprehensive training in these scientific methodologies, enabling them to consistently achieve reproducible results in restoring health even in the most severely ill patients.

In 1924, The Palmer School of Chiropractic made history by introducing the first instrument designed to measure the pressure and interference components of subluxation.
Resembling a meter utilized by electricians to identify electrical faults in a circuit, this instrument detected spinal column irregularities known as subluxations.
Named the Neurocalometer, it gauged paraspinal temperature variances, providing real-time monitoring of the neurological impact of subluxations.
When a subluxation was identified, the instrument detected temperature differentials, affirming the clinical need for an adjustment. Subsequently, post-adjustment, it was employed to verify whether the subluxation was reduced or fully corrected.
Chiropractic instrumentation soon became the benchmark for evaluating subluxation neurology.
Today, spinal thermography stands as the gold standard for assessing subluxation neurology, confirming subluxation presence and serving as an objective gauge to assess the effectiveness of adjustments.
KCSC remains dedicated to the scientific legacy of the BJ Palmer Research Clinic, utilizing spinal thermography to detect subluxations. We train chiropractors in the scientific analysis of subluxation neurology using Pattern Analysis, as pioneered and taught by BJ Palmer.
This system establishes a patient's "neurological sign" when subluxation is present, guiding KCSC chiropractors in determining the clinical necessity of adjustments.
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In 1910, the Palmer School of Chiropractic achieved a groundbreaking milestone as the first educational institution worldwide to employ X-rays in examining the human spinal column for vertebral subluxation.
Prior to this innovation, chiropractors relied solely on palpation of musculoskeletal indicators to ascertain the directional displacement of a subluxation. However, palpation often proved to be highly unreliable, with low consistency both between and within examiners.
The introduction of X-rays revolutionized chiropractic care by providing real-time visualization of displaced vertebrae, akin to how dentists utilize X-rays to identify misaligned teeth.
With this newfound ability, chiropractors could precisely target adjustments to the displaced vertebrae, resulting in enhanced patient outcomes.
The BJ Palmer Research Clinic further refined X-ray analysis by implementing a posture-constant system and capturing 12 views of the cervical spine. This systematic approach scientifically determined whether the causative subluxation was located in the Atlas or Axis vertebrae, as well as the precise direction of displacement, referred to as a listing.
Building upon this foundation, KCSC has pioneered advancements in X-ray techniques to enhance the visualization of subluxations. In addition to static views, KCSC has introduced the new "Peritrope" view, which capture images of the cervical spine in rotation.
These views replicate the alignment of the craniocervical joints during the knee chest posture, offering detailed insights into articular alignment and listings.
Leveraging the Peritrope view, KCSC has developed a new analysis method that ensures chiropractors achieve 100% accuracy in determining a subluxation listing and discerning whether the major subluxation is located in the atlas or axis vertebrae.
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Chiropractic adjusting techniques have undergone extensive development since 1895, with the primary goal being to achieve the perfect balance between depth and speed.
Excessive depth without sufficient speed often resulted in pushing the vertebra to the opposite side, while excessive speed without enough depth prevented the vertebra from crossing the threshold, causing it to recoil back to its subluxated position.
The BJ Palmer Research Clinic emerged as the world's largest Chiropractic research facility, equipped with state-of-the-art medical and Chiropractic technology utilized to scientifically confirm the structural and neurological effects of vertebral subluxation.
Through objective instrumentation, BJ Palmer rigorously tested every Chiropractic adjusting technique to determine their efficacy in correcting upper cervical subluxations.
Techniques that worsened the subluxation were discarded, while others that provided temporary relief without lasting value were also eliminated.
The knee chest adjusting technique emerged as a standout, demonstrating its ability to reduce, correct, and maintain upper cervical subluxations for significant durations. The results were compelling, with patients experiencing improved health outcomes in shorter timeframes.
KCSC proudly upholds the legacy of the original knee chest adjusting technique, developed and tested by BJ Palmer at the research clinic.
This adjustment method utilizes a toggle-recoil thrust with torque, striking the perfect balance between depth and speed to unlock the subluxated joint and initiate the patient's Innate recoil.
With fewer adjustments focused on one segment, optimal results are achieved in the shortest period of time.